Saturday, April 17, 2010


I have been studying this for years and it has never changed nor even wavered and yet people seem to be genuinely surprised to learn that one more man has been caught having sex with an inappropriate partner.

David Letterman is the target for the day (week). He is not even in politics. But he has enough power and since absolute power corrupts absolutely, would you think that might happen on a fairly regular basis? It has always driven men and I can’t see how we can expect it to change.

The Catholic Church has been all but brought to their knees with the amount of priests who have succumbed to the temptation. That is power which eclipses even politics and skips right past these entertainment icons.

The most obvious is the amount of power money creates. It is the driving force in our society and in spite of how many goodies it can buy, there are other perks to be had. Sex is number one on the list.

If we could harness the drive, think of the energy it would create. It would all but empty out the jails, drive divorce courts out of business, and …………bankrupt our society. It is indeed a driving force. It is what gets men out of bed in the morning but it is also what gets them back into bed!! Those in between hours can be spent building an empire so he can have more ‘advantages’.

I don’t think there is a ‘fix’ for it so I believe the only change has to be in our perception of the issue a.k.a. problem. It has long been thought that women could effect a change in this behavior. Well, that may be true for one night or maybe even a month. But there would be no real change. Men are wired to think of sex first and then whatever else is on their mind a distant second. (Even golf isn’t that good.)

I am sure men fall in love just like women do but more often they fall in lust and that just doesn’t last as long. Our marriage rolls are really getting beaten up on. The divorce rate is over 50% now and growing. The only real change in a man’s behavior happens with age. Even then the mind stops well after the body.

I’ll be right over here if you need my take on any other problem and then I will spread these pearls all around again.

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