Sunday, April 18, 2010


Maybe she wasn’t getting enough quality time from Adam. She had to be bored out of her mind. She was listening to a SNAKE. No pun intended.

Boredom is a terrible thing and needs to be stopped. It is dangerous at any age. When a child is bored he gets himself into the most unprovoked trouble. When you are bored during middle age, complete families and lifestyles are in jeopardy and when it happens in old age it is pitiful. Do something TODAY to insulate yourself against that. Surely there is something you meant to do or learn or try that you have been putting off because you thought your everyday routine was more important. REALLY!!!!

You need a project! Become an expert on something. Develop an interest in some off the wall thought you had a long time ago and get involved. It is for your mental health if nothing else..

You know how I feel about ‘getting out more’. Stop creating such a small environment for yourself. Even if you are happiest when you are home, doing nothing, find something to do there that lights your fire before you go brain dead. The brain cells need to be used. (My cousin, Erm, tells me that when she gets into a retirement home they won’t have to teach her to chain stitch.) I concede to that option as well. It takes all kinds and that is the fun of it.

And stop letting society dictate what you should and shouldn’t be doing with your time and ‘self’. We get stuck in ruts that others have imposed. Maybe they need to stretch a little more themselves. Wear white shoes AND white gloves after Labor Day if you want to.

Stay up all night if there is a good movie on or if that is the only time you can enjoy the peace and quiet of the house. Find a new friend in a place you wouldn’t suspect. Stop worrying about whether you have enough in common to hang out. You don’t have to be alike to enjoy each other.

The most interesting people I know are quite different from me. I love that.
I have found people in unsuspecting places that broaden my world and my views and you would never have put us together.

When you become more interested yourself, you are more interesting to others. No doubt Adam was bored with her too. Remember though – they did have children so they were not always bored with each other. They just needed more challenges and to develop other interests.

I can play poker on line while watching a movie on the same screen with the Picture-In-Picture while I am listening to a very old country western album that I am still trying to learn all the words to. My next goal is to learn how to hook all that stuff up because sometime I will be expected to do that for myself as well as load the pictures from my digital camera into the computer and send them to you. I have to go…..I am very busy. (but not bored)

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