Saturday, April 17, 2010

I MISJUDGED TIGER.............
Actually, he hurt my feelings. I gave him more credit than he deserved, it seems.

I am not talking about just his cheating on Elin. I never assumed he had a low libido.

I am just disappointed that he sold ME a bill of goods. I thought he was the exception rather than the norm. He represented the ideal family man and displayed his wife and kids to the likes of me as the gold standard. I bought into the whole thing. I told myself he was one of my favorite athletes because he is SO GOOD at what he does. Yeah and foresooth. Apparently he is indeed that good at a lot of things but we were using different measuring sticks.

Now I can see more clearly. He was 'all that' providing he was winning and private. Now he is losing and doing pentance!! After the Augusta tournament he was extremely normal. Even a grouch. When he was interviewed afterwards, he had very little charm to display. His explanation was that he didn't win, so "don't expect me to be happy." OK, we will have to wait a while.

He stated earlier in his public apology that he thought doing whatever he wanted was his entitlement. Really. He had worked hard, gotten to the top of his field and deserved what he had going. I have no doubt he will rebound and again show his incredible skill and if he is lucky, he will be thought of again just as one of the greatest golfers of all time. But he is going to have to work at it. It is not an entitlement. The golfing skills will rebound quicker than the rest. Unbelievable as it may seem, a lot of people have worked that hard but never really made it. I think he has a right to be unhappy. His laundry aired to a few hundred million again today; just slightly more than would have watched him before his 'entitlement.'

I had planned to stop right here. But I have to beat this to death, it seems. It has bothered me a LOT lately. I wanted to ignore it but after that last commercial ran with his dad's voice running over it, it just won't die for me. I thought it was a real risk to film that anyway. That sponsor got their money's worth since they had everyone's attention again. But as close as Tiger was to his dad, it seemed to be a cheap shot. His father was self serving in my eyes anyway. He had this incredible kid with mad skills which he promoted very successfully all his life. He was on Johnny Carson show when he was just around four. Must have been very lucky to pull that off. Tiger never failed to glorify him.

But he taught him a lot of other things besides golf. Those things the kid learned well. He assured him that with his extreme success and wealth, he could have any woman or women he wanted and would not need to 'settle' like Dad did. That apple didn't fall very far from the tree. This person he settled for was Tiger's mother. You don't do that. It justified my anger. I really didn't care as much about his conduct but if he followed his dad's advice, who is to blame here? Both. Every time I hear one more of those tidbits, I am mad all over again. It is my very own entitlement. Mothers hang together. This gossip is just stuff some other journalists dug up and not by my having a long talk with Tiger. Gee, I thought I would feel better after all this typing. I don't; so don't expect me to be happy. I lost too. FORE!!!

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